Monday, December 13, 2010

Ramblings and musings...


I've seriously neglected my duties here and have not posted much since I "started" this endeavor. Who am I kidding, I haven't posted ANYTHING since I started this blog.

So now I am going to subject you all to a stream of conscious posting.

Did you know tonight (12/13) is supposed to be the peak viewing night of the Geminid meteor shower?

I knew about it, but weather reports for my area of the country (Mid-Atlantic) show that we can expect mostly cloudy skies. If you live in an area that will have clear skies and are an insomniac like me, the best time to view them is between midnight and 6:00 AM on 12/14.

I am more excited by the full lunar eclipse happening on 12/21. Not only will the moon be full, but the eclipse falls on the Winter Solstice (read into that whatever you want).

Speaking of eclipses, I watched "Twilight: Eclipse" the other day. Not that good. And it didn't really end. It just kind of stopped. I understand that there is another book that can be made into a movie (and I guess they are making it??), but still, even the "Friday the 13th" movies are self-contained and actually end. And EDWARD? come on... if I were a girl and had the choice between an androgynous sparkly emo type and an outdoors-y werewolf type, the choice is the werewolf, wouldn't even think twice about the vampire.

Speaking of vampires, hasn't that genre been beaten to death lately? True Blood. Vampire Diaries. Twilight saga. I'm sure there are others out there, but seriously? Just like the remaking of all the classics, I have to ask, doesn't Hollywood (and TV land...) have any good original ideas anymore?

Speaking of original ideas, a couple of things: "Kick Ass" is a really good movie if you haven't seen it yet. Not sure what it is but hearing "I'm just fucking with ya, dad" coming out of the mouth of a pre-teen girl is hilarious. Besides the carnage and the cursing, the movie does actually have an interesting concept, it explores (in a semi-realistic way) the question "why hasn't anyone tried to be a costumed superhero yet?" as well as the consequences when someone makes that decision and actually tries it out.

The other thing I wanted to bitch about when it comes to original ideas: The Hangover (yes, I know I look like "Alan")... I understand they are making a "sequel". Sorry, but you just can't have a sequel to this movie. It's kind of like lightning striking the same place more than once (not including lightning rods and tall buildings). Yes, it CAN happen, but usually doesn't. Same thing with the "Old School" sequel. Sure, they've been talking about it, but really, what can they do?

I think I'll give my fingers a rest now that I have bounced around the map. I'm sure there was something else of importance I wanted to talk about, but for the life of me I can't recall. I just hope you don't have to wait another 7 months to read it. :-)